Friday, November 2, 2007


I have bangs, or I had bangs…not really sure which it is now cause they are kinda in this weird in-between phase. I had to explain this in my broken Spanish today when I was getting my hair done…the poor hairdresser looked perplexed as she tried to figure out which way to style them. I had impulsively cut bangs months ago because I wanted a new look, which made me happy. Then I discovered when you get sick of them and want them to go away, they don't. They will just sit there and annoy you for a few more months, as you constantly fight not to cut them and be done with it. But no…you want a change and you have to wait it out and deal with the un-ruly, ugly, in-between stage.

The bang theory applies to life in general, at least my life right now. I am in a complete transitional phase. I'm in the very beginning stages that are completely awkward and uncomfortable. The point where I know I don't want to be in the same routine anymore, but what exactly comes next I have no idea. I am just in the waiting and figuring it out period. Where you just throw out a bunch of ideas and see which will take form. Although it would be much easier to not venture out into the "unknown" and just stay in my cozy routine, that idea fills me with even more dread. Unfortunately, I suffer from the "I am never content" disease. This means once I've gotten all I can get out of my current situation, I bore quickly and have to move on to conquer something else. AKA I am a huge gypsy.

I've always been a gypsy with a concrete plan until this point. Now, I am not sure what exactly the next thing to conquer is. This is the tricky part. Until I find out what "it" is, I am just sitting in-between two worlds - not really fully engaged in my current routine, but not fully transitioned out of it. I sit, and I blog, and I laugh and I cry, and I play with my in-between bangs, and wait it out - confident my life will transform magically before my eyes into something bigger and better than it already is in due time, complete with grown out bangs.