Thursday, September 27, 2007

Today is...

the beginning of the rest of your life! At least that's what the CEO of my previous job told me as he was letting me go. It was his way of easing the blow. He was a cool guy for a 50-something year old hippie/ ex-manager of Sugar Ray, now raising a seven-year-old. Ah, what a piece of work, but in any case that line always stuck with me. I found it applies in just about any situation, even here in blog world.

So here I am, my virtual new beginning thanks to the inspiration of my home girl Kim who told me ever so sweetly to "Just blog already and send me the link!!!!" Yeah Kim rocks... quite literally:

In an attempt to make sense of everything from dating to finding a decent job in journalism and anything in-between I will write here. You will read - and IF you are lucky, you might just be entertained....

Signing off till next time,

Curly sue