Monday, December 3, 2007

Romantic Comedies are Ruining My Life!

When it is this time of year in NYC and snow is falling and so is the temperature, I find myself spending my weekends in bed in front of the TV. This past weekend I managed to watch every classic girly romantic comedy known to mankind. From Pretty Woman to Dirty Dancing to personal favorites like Brown Sugar and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. (Sidenote: I love any movie where the protagonist is a writer) They all have one thing in common – they give misleading ideas about love, thus making me question why it doesn't work that way for me!

I mean where else would we get the idea that a whore can find a rich, gorgeous man to take care of her, or that a hot guy can fall in love with you in a little over a week despite doing every annoying thing you can think of to deter him. This is not real life, and then when our lives do not operate along the same lines, we get upset! This is not fair, they should start calling it Romance sci-fi or fantasy instead. I mean as if any writer could afford to live in a plush loft in Soho (Eva Mendes – Hitch) or in a doorman building on 5th ave (How to lose a Guy). That just pisses me off just as much as watching Monica live it up in her big apartment on Friends (we all know she could never afford that in real life).

Thankfully, The Devil Wears Prada came out and set the record straight. Finally, a movie that shows the not so glam side of publishing, and the reality of the toll it takes on a relationship. Instead of living happily ever after she ends up single and alone just like the rest of us. WOO HOO!

I do watch these movies continiously though, not sure if I am just glutten for punishment or what. In any case, to show I am not a complete bitter bunny here is a clip from one of my fave movies for your enjoyment "throw it away..." LOL:

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