Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Guilty Pleasures Part 1

It's no surprise to those who know me that I have a few guilty pleasures. One of those is my obsession with Jennifer Lopez. I am sorry but she can do no wrong in my eyes...not sure if it's the Bronx, Puerto Rican thing or what but I have an undying loyalty to her. Not to mention she is a savvy businesswoman, and has managed to make an entire empire from starting as a fly girl. And she doesn't apologize for anything! She just does not care what you think about her... I love that!

Now with her new release this week "Brave" and the rumors of pregnancy... I think she has a lot to celebrate. So, Congrats to you Jenny, Jenny from the block! Besides who else can sit through an interview and talk about absolutely nothing with such poise? That is a talent I gotta tell ya.
Check out her clip from the Letterman show last night here..... and after seeing what she is wearing you can decide for yourself if the rumors are true....

And if you are bored while watching is a clip of her doing what she does best... dancing:

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