Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dating Tip #451: Psycho-Delete

All is well that ends well, except in dating. Desperate times call for desperate measures, especially if you are single and dating in New York City. I’ve learned that not everyone you meet and spend a decent amount of time with has to remain a part of your life forever and ever Amen. Sometimes, there are behaviors and situations that make for a parting of ways. Depending on the severity it may be appropriate to implement the psycho-delete strategy to help speed up the process:

Psycho-delete: (SIKE- O DEE-LEET) When a man pisses you off so bad you vouch never to speak to him again, and in an impulsive rage proceed to delete any form of contact. This means deleting from your myspace page, blocking on aim and email, and erasing said person’s phone number from your phone. See also: drunk-dial prevention.

While there is no set standard on when to apply the psycho-delete, here are some examples:

  • When guy you are dating says he will call and then never does
  • When guy you are dating gets caught in any type of lie
  • When guy you are dating is a gypsy and likes to pop up and then disappear every few months…no consistancy
  • When guy you are dating has been in the pic for months and manages to utter the words “I am still not sure if I really want a relationship”
  • When guy you are dating actually lives with another female that is not a roommate and you are just figuring it out
  • When guy you are dating attempts to give you used lingerie as a gift

The list goes on and on, but you get the point. I think at the end of the day, you don’t really NEED a reason…which is the beauty of the whole darn thing!

1 comment:

kim garrison said...

yeah but when ever i psycho-delete they randomly call and i end up putting them back in my phone. it's a neverending cycle. i think i need help.