Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I have recently remembered a reason to not hate all men…it is possible to have a healthy, successful relationship with a man, platonically of course. While I was out recently I was reminded of my platonic male friends. I love having male friends… and I mean real friends. Not the ones that are just trying to get in your pants, and are playing their position hoping that one day it will happen (although some people think any guy friend is doing this). I mean the ones that grew up with you, saw you at different awkward ages in your life, like hanging out with you despite it, tell you how great you look when you do see them, and take you out and treat you like a bf would - minus the sex of course. I mean wow, imagine having someone that takes you out, pays for all your drinks all night, and actually doesn’t mind talking about the other men in your life! This is the sweetest deal ever. Besides that, platonic male friends also give great advice on men … sometimes a lil harshly, but good just the same (“Oh hell no you need o leave him alone he is shady). They will tell you what to do about your failing love life and then of course make jokes at your expense for it…it’s great.

Kudos to you, my male friends, for getting me drunk and never making a pass… and without fail always making me laugh. You are lil life saviors in Timbs!

1 comment:

kim garrison said...

i love them too!!!!!!!! :)